Listen, I know that he's charming. I get it. I fell for it too. So did the woman before me, and the woman before her, and the woman before her. I know that he's told you that I'm crazy, and the woman before me is crazy, and the one before her. I'm sure he's made fun of me, just as he did the woman before me, and the woman before me, and the one before her. I know you won't listen.

I didn't listen either.

He makes you feel important, right? He makes you feel like you are the end all be all. That your presence is like no other, and you have a true once in a lifetime connection. He said that to me too. And the woman before that. And the woman before that.


Let me speak to you as if I was speaking to myself, as what I should have listened to.

Notice what's happened already. I don't know how long you two have been "together", but understand while he was with you, he was sleeping with me too. We had been together for a while, and living together. Let that be a red flag. Did he tell you that he was unhappy? Did he tell you that we were just basically roommates? He told me that exact same thing as we started our relationship. Did he also tell you that he had been asking me about marriage and that he wanted to be with me forever? Did he tell you that he kept asking me this, as recently as the beginning of March? Did he tell you how he wanted me to change my last name to his? I don't think so. He's played us. Both.


He brought you to a protection from abuse court hearing today. Whether or not you volunteered your time is irrelevant. You were there. You sat there. You were quiet. While he was talking to my lawyer, I had my back towards you. I realized at that moment that he wouldn't take responsibility for his actions, nor could he hold the accountability. Going into this, I wanted him to take responsibility, I wanted the PFA, but I truly wanted to protect the next woman he was going to abuse.


At that moment with my back towards you, I spoke to my friends there, but the words were for you. I said, "I am not meek." Then I spoke names. I know you heard me. I spoke the names of the women that I know had suffered at his hand. I spoke of what they had suffered from his words, and actions. I clearly spoke each of the eight names. I mentioned what they endured. I said I had seen and heard some of it myself. The reaction from one of my friends was jarring. She was shocked to know that, myself included, there were NINE women that he had abused, at least.


These are only the women I know of. I don't know how many more there are.


What have you already seen? How have you already suffered? You've already lost your job because of him. You've already had to endure court for him. He's already lied to you. You're already supporting him since he got fired from work too. You know what evil actions he is capable of. Believe me, I get it. I didn't listen when I was told, but as time marched on, I wanted to know more. I should have reached out to ask. It took me reading the blog of his ex before me to understand. I had to endure my own abuse, and to read about hers before it FINALLY started sinking in.

I pray this is not your experience.


Please reach out to me, or anyone if you need help. If you do, I will come get you. You have my number.



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