Pumpkin Spice Photobomb

us.. and coffee. Yes, I am a blackbear, and I do have a patronus. (expecto patronum!)

I was trying to get a pic of my pumpkin chocolate noms, and the pumpkin spice candle... then in strolls Pumpkin.. the cat. Hence Pumpkin Spice Photobomb.

I've said this many times before, but I really super duper don't give a shit if loving pumpkin spice makes me the most basic of bitches. It's fun to bag on some people, and I'll be the butt end of the joke. Jokes on them, but I have a pumpkin spice tattoo.



Tonight, we stopped at a favorite general store of ours to grab some dinner. Unfortunately the taco hot bar was pretty much sold out (tacos are life!) so we opted for brick oven pizza, blueberry coffee and some snacks. Perhaps a cookie, definitely a rice crispy treat, and... CHOCOLATE COVERED PUMPKIN SPICE NOMS (think organic M&M's). They are damn tasty. We are eating them as we speak type. You just can't argue the power of pumpkin spice.

This made me think about all the things that people hate on. I admit, I too have my things I like to hate on (Nickelback, Saltlife stickers, wicked big jacked up trucks guy, ICP, and Godsmack-- tangent, but Godsmack is a bunch of talentless hacks that have CLEARLY ripped off Mad Season musically AND logo recognition. They may be a trigger, but that's for another blog...)

Back to the subject...

We have differences. We are human. We are beautiful creatures that get to pick and chose what we like and don't like, and we can appreciate this. I used to, oh so many years ago, used to think that everyone has to like me. That everyone has to like all the things about me. Until I got made fun of for my purple long sleeved LLBean shirt freshman year of High School. Now? Fuck it. I understand our differences make us who we are. They make us appreciate others; they make us appreciate ourselves. It gives us objectivity (perhaps?) of 'us'. It's beautiful, its frustrating, its comical... and it is part of life.

want to hate on me? Here's a short list of 'baggable' topics for me:

- Pumpkin spice (duh.)
- Harry Potter (I'm a Ravenclaw!)
- My Ugg slippers
- Lip gloss
- Notebooks
- Pens
- Hoodies
- Greenday (fa real though, 1039/smoothed out slappy hrs and Kerplunk are THE BEST!)
- My height (short people got, no reason to live... right?)

I'm sure Randy Newman really does love short people, because we do got reason to live  ;) 


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