Love In The Time Of Corona

Well, here it is.

Here I am at the end of a relationship, and normalcy. The time of confinement, isolation and hope is upon us. Hope because I know not all is lost. A beautiful and kind soul told me I need to write a letter to my soulmate. I told her that I could, but I don't know how. She said to write to the person that I will fall in love with that will be my match in every way. Here's my feeble attempt. I'm tired, my brain is mush, and I'm just a mess... but here I am, and here it goes.

To the next man who loves me:


Be gentle with me. Know that I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I take everything to heart. I cry often. I cry when I'm sad, I cry when I'm happy. I cry while watching sappy animal videos. Please never tell me I need to stop crying. Hold me instead. Wipe away my tears. Never be the reason why I cry tears of pain.

Don't hurt me.

Don't break my heart. Don't yell at me. Please understand that I flinch when voices are raised. Please understand I get scared easily. Don't let me go to bed thinking I'm unloved. Don't leave me when I need you the most. If you don't know how I'm feeling, please ask. Don't assume. Sometimes I can be quiet. It doesn't mean I'm mad. Please ask. Ask me what I'm thinking. Don't get mad when I ask you if you're mad at me. I read into the smallest of things. Please don't punish me for this. Comfort me when I feel insecure. Please don't hurt me. Please don't break my heart.

I have a tendency to pour myself into others. Please make sure I replenish my cup. Please don't forget to help me refill the cup when needed. I promise I'll do the same to you. I promise I'll push you when you need to be pushed. I'll remind you of your worth, and that you are loved. I will make sure you feel secure to blossom. I promise to give you my all. Please don't take advantage of this.

Don't keep secrets from me. Don't give me reasons to not trust you. I trust easily. Don't exploit that. Treasure that trust, just as you do me.

Please please please please let me cuddle. Give me hugs. Hold me. Don't be afraid to hold my hand. Brush my hair away from my cheek. Don't be afraid to get close. Don't forget to stay close. Don't forget to hold me.

Don't take my love for granted. If you do, there will be a day that it's not there. I'm not asking you to treat me like I'm fragile. Treat me so there's never a doubt in my mind whether or not you love me. Make sure each day you remind me that I'm loved; that you love me. Don't tell me you love me because of the things I do for you. I want you to love me for me. I want you to love me for the way I am, or the dumb things I say. Love me for me, not what I do for you.

I have quirks. Lots of them. Please don't make me feel bad for my idiosyncrasies. Cherish them. Don't use them against me. Let me be me, and i will let you be you.

I promise I will love you, just promise to never let me lose sight of myself.



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