Imposter Syndrome

Here's a dirty little secret for you: I feel like a fraud. I struggle with intelligence and education, and chalk up any accomplishments to sheer dumb luck ( McGonagall quote, FTW). There are many different reasons why I do this, but I think it stems from the constant criticism and all that bullshit. I find it incredibly difficult to take compliments, for what reason it doesn't matter. Maybe its because I wanted them for so long that I now feel like any compliment is fictitious, I don't know. All I know is that it is PAINFULLY difficult for me.

I say this all as I'm heavily considering going back to school for my Master's in Social Work.

I've wanted to be a counselor for a long time (I give some great advice, I just sometimes have trouble listening to my own words...oops). LCSW would provide that opportunity to me. Wouldn't that be fun? My dream is to be a writer, and be able to be a therapist on the side. I'd like to be able to help people because I can, and really not have to worry about getting paid for it (though it would be nice).


 I want to do this, but I don't think I have the ability to do it. This is where it gets hard. Once I tell someone that I'm going to do it, I feel like I'm disappointing them if I don't complete said thing. It's literally anything and everything. I know of my impermanence and relative unimportance, so why worry about what someone MIGHT think if I decide to not follow through?

The feeling of fraud......

The feeling that I need to be something, but the history of trauma.... leaves you doubting yourself. So what am I going to do? I'm going to take my time. I'm going to see what resonates with me.

Shit, maybe I'll research doctorate programs.

In the long run, I guess it doesn't matter because we all have free will to change our minds again and again. I'll continue to work on accepting what I know, and stop the diminishing myself bullshit.


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