Time spent being creative is never time wasted

I've taken a break from writing beyond my blogging or journaling. I shouldn't have, but I did. What's done is done, so I can't regret the time I took away from it. Who knows, it's hard to say that I could have produced quality writing while feeling like a steamy pile of shit. Maybe I can? Either which way, I didn't write.

But now I'm gonna, and I blame (thank tremendously!) a co-worker for it. She asked if she could read my book (not completely edited, keep in mind..). She read it. She loved it! She wanted more, and dammit... I'm going to start writing again so she can have it.

She's only the second person to read it in its entirety and I am thrilled! I want to pick her brain apart, and tell me all the things she didn't like; what would she change... I WANT TO KNOW ALL THE DETAILS. But I won't foam at the bit. I need to take this moment and drink it in. I shared a part of me with her, and I need to sit with that for a moment.

I take my writing seriously, but I won't tell you that. What I won't tell you is that I hold my writing close to my heart. It's my hopes, dreams, and fears put into physical form. Its something I've birthed, and something that I've been birthing my entire life. If you want to push me away, please tell me that the time I spend writing, or creating is wasteful. Tell me that it's an escape from responsibilities. Tell me that it doesn't matter.

This is a pain I don't wish upon anyone.

It's hard to be vulnerable around people, and It's difficult to let someone inside your mind. This is essentially what you're doing when you share your creativity. You are sharing your mind, and soul. While you can't surround yourself with only the people that celebrate your creativity, you can limit who gets to be a part of it. Building the nest of support is slow, and difficult. Be picky with who you share that good stuff with. That way, you won't feel let down when those who don't "get it" make you feel bad.

Don't deny yourself your spunk. Take it, run with it, and make it wonderful.


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