The Universe is 42... or perhaps 3. It is the magic number

I've been trying to feed my mind for so long, that I've never realized I needed to feed my soul too. I get a nibble every now and again. Some reading or writing here and there... a walk on the beach when I can steal the time... a few moments of sunshine during the day at work when I have the allowance of stepping outside.


It's so easy to get lost in the everyday shuffle of life. Between your job, spouse/significant other, kids, etc... you give away a piece of yourself each and everyday. Its not a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing when you don't give a piece back to yourself. You don't give yourself the time and energy to be you. To feed your soul.


I need to write. A lot. If you were to know me in person, you'd understand why. I find it difficult most times to get my thoughts out from my brain to my mouth. Although comical (seriously, the shit that comes out of my mouth sometimes.... its gold), its incredibly frustrating. To not be able to always clearly articulate what I need to say is hard. So hard. However, there's nothing that blocks the connection to my brain to my fingers. When I'm allowed the time to write, I do. Easily.

Music. I need music. Constantly. I also crave the ocean. I seek companionship. Hugs. Warmth. Sun. Heat (oh boy do I miss the heat of North Carolina, especially after the long winter months of Maine.)

I'm starting to understand that I need to feed the mind, body, and spirit. I need to know what each needs.



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