The beginning

We aren't entirely unique. We aren't alone. Our feelings, however, tell us otherwise. I've struggled with fitting in, being a part of something, and never really found my foothold in this life. Have you? We all have these feelings, that neither give us truth nor knowledge (yes, I quoted Dumbledore. I do that often). Why am I bringing this up? Because we all feel or have felt the disappointment of being ourselves. How deeply tragic is that?

I'll admit that writing this is purely selfish on my behalf. My mind is a constant whirlwind of anxiety, depression, worry, fear, and all the other things one can feel. This is my attempt at quieting my mind. Join me if you'd like, or not. The beauty of this, is that it's completely up to you.

Lastly, who am I. Who am I? Loaded question that isn't going to be answered directly. I could be anyone. I could be a coworker, a friend... I could be that person that looks awkwardly at you at the coffee shop because you struck my curiosity. I could be that asshole that accidentally bumped into you in the produce section at the grocery store because I was admiring the broccoli selection. My point is, I could be anyone.

In fact, I could be you.

I'm sure we have plenty in common. Maybe not on the surface, but I'm sure a piece of me lives in you.

Let's find out, shall we?


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