Coffee shop weirdos

(We are the weirdos, mister.)

Let's talk about either fitting in or fitting out. I find peace at coffee shops. I put on my headphones, and I get to be alone in the presence of a dozen or so others. Some are here for the coffee (imagine that), some here to talk and catch up, some come for the ambiance and writing (it me), some come to draw. Some even come to sketch and print lithography copies (at least that's what I think he's doing). Each and every one is weird.

But it's not what you think.

We all have a quirk. We all think we are weird in one way shape or form. I think I'm weird because I could sit at a coffee shop for hours and write. It's what I'm doing now. It's what the guy across from me has been doing since 9:30 this morning. There's the woman who's taking pics of her breakfast, and a group of older women passing around a smartphone showing one another pictures. I am nearly certain that most in here, if not all, has felt like a weirdo at some point of their lives.

Guess what? It's completely fucking normal to feel like a weirdo.

You know what “weird” causes? Change. Growth. Creativity. Knowledge. Love. Appreciation.

A biological anomaly creates an evolutionary change within an organism. Without that standing out weird “thing” taking place, there is no change.

Then why do we want to fit in?

Honestly, are we consciously thinking about the beauty of weird? No. We are pack animals. We compartmentalize. We like things in nice, neat boxes. We want to be able to label. This isn't necessarily a horrible thing. The horrors of labeling will probably be discussed at a later date. Anyways, we want to fit in. Being weird doesn't allow for that.

We are inherently weird.


And it's quite okay.

It's always going to be okay. We've evolved to understand the sense of self, but with it comes a need to belong. We all “belong” somewhere. You just need to find WHERE.

(316 Main st. It's where all my weirdos are)


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