"you will never be this small again," she whispered


Being a parent can be is hard. Whether you have one or twenty kids, there are always challenges. Each day comes and goes as a small battle. Were teeth brushed? Did they eat enough? Did we get all the things done for the day? It's an everyday struggle. To that, I applaud you.

At the end of each day, as my son settles down into his bed, I cuddle with him. he insists, and I am okay with that. I tell him that I will cuddle him until the end of time. He laughs. All the frustrations of the day melt away as we have our time. As he drifts off to sleep, I will look at him and whisper, "you will never be this small again." I usually cry, and he just sleeps. 

These little moments make me think of how quickly time passes. At this point, it is easy to think about the past. We think about the things we've done wrong, wishing we could change it. Maybe we could be better/do better tomorrow.


Take a moment to go look at your sleeping kiddo, and say to yourself, "you will never be this small again." The fears of being enough will melt, and you might cry (I'm crying right now just typing it out). It's okay. Be in the moment of reflection of just how small they once were. Know that they love you, and that you are enough. 

Those nights when my son whispers in my ear, "you're the best mommy" and "I love you, mom", I know that I'm doing okay. Even if I feel like I'm not, I am. 

You are too.

We have a tendency to feel like we aren't enough. Guess what? We are.

You are enough. 

Go hug your kiddos.



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