Big things are brewing and trying to be big

It's pretty dope seeing your work next to others. The dopest of all dopeness. 

Guys... My story. It's moving along. I've had one person read it, and she LOVES it! I can't tell you how thrilled this makes me. I have another who is going to read it, and then she's going to help me edit. This is huge; monumental I tell you. I also wrote a blurb which has been insanely difficult for me to do. Summarizing a story when you're a long-winded person is exceedingly difficult.

Back to the point here. Things have been difficult, yet easy at the same time. It's hard to really explain it. The things that I've let go of are moving along, willfully and nearly without effort. Things that trouble me stick like glue. They don't want to move, and when I push them, they firm up. Like non newtonian fluids, it reacts to pressure. I'm trying to not force fate's hand, and to let things happen.

I have this feeling... it feels big and round... and I know this sounds wild in explanation, but for anyone with synesthesia, they get it. I feel like I have this winding hula hoop of hope swinging around me. Sometimes its reach is greater than others, but I feel like my hope is being flung into the future. It's a good feeling. If feels like my actions and intentions are propelling me forward. My time spent birthing my story won't be in vain.

Whoever wants to follow beside me with their own hula-hooping glory, please... join in.


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